Главная » 2012 » Май » 4 » Suddenly my right 15
05:42 Suddenly my right 15 |
To planet heavenly fire (asteroids, large meteorites), spoke, on To Platon's words, древнеегипетские priests from a city of Sais more than two tysjachele - тии back. It has returned me to an event with Brusnikinym. A bullet - only a copy Meteorite. It, of course, from breed of magicians and magicians. If not the rare Coincidence of circumstances... And of me observed the good-librery.ru big eyes, their expression changed, as if it Constrained itself, did not want to show all interest to the mysterious earth пресвитера John, were Shambhala - than still? - Coffee? - Yes. I never could refuse coffee, even if to me offered The fourth cup, but I ask you to be limited to one-two. To me has occurred Even the small history which has damped my reputation of the fan-archeologist. Because of Coffee. Have asked, whether I love coffee, then, as I concern a white wall. On The first question I has answered that very much I love. On the second - that to the mentioned wall It is indifferent. It has appeared - the test from the French magazine. Coffee - sex, a wall - Death. Clearly. - A white wall - death? I did not know.
Категория: Английские статьи |
Просмотров: 680 |
Добавил: audiua
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